#CoachHG Collection: Power Of Clustering (Arranger, Consistency, Harmony, Communication, Adaptability) - StrengthsFinder Singapore

Kingmaker has equipped this year’s intern, Elliott, with much StrengthsFinder language and insight. He was looking forward to writing his personal insight using the lens from The Power of Clustering.

Elliott’s Signature themes are: Arranger | Consistency | Harmony | Communication | Adaptability

Elliott’s Top 5 talent themes show up naturally when he is in church, during internship and studies.

StrengthsFinder Application

During Internship: In my last 3 months as an intern at Kingmaker Consultancy Pte Ltd, my job scope was primarily in the area of training and facilitating, during which I felt my Harmony-Communication-Adaptability talent themes were most prominent. During the programme itself, this was where my Communication talent theme was exhibited. I enjoy speaking to students and building rapport with them, especially if I get to see them for future sessions. There were occasions when I had to take on a programme with a much shorter runway of time to prepare due to the changes in staff deployment for other programmes, however, this is where I do not struggle because I’m flexible in adjusting to the given circumstances (Adaptability). In my interactions with my colleagues, there are moments when we have differing views on the content that we are preparing to teach. While I voice my own opinions, conflict prevention takes utmost priority for me (Harmony). As such, I do my best to hear everyone’s views before coming up with the middle ground.

StrengthsFinder Application

In Church: As an actively serving Cell Group Leader in my church’s Youth Ministry, I use my talent cluster of Arranger-Harmony-Communication frequently. My Arranger talent theme becomes amplified when I’m organising various programmes for the youths. At the same time, my Harmony talent theme comes out as I seek consensus when I sense a potential disagreement arising amongst committee members during the planning of said programmes. Having an extroverted nature, I use my Communication Talent theme the most to engage the youths in my charge as well as to share my opinions during discussions.

StrengthsFinder Application

During studies: As I look forward to the start of my university education journey and look retrospectively to my time as a student from primary school all the way up to junior college, I noticed my talent theme cluster of Arranger-Consistency-Adaptability was very evident. I used various organisational tools such as timetables and to-do lists to sort out my workflow (Arranger). Nonetheless, I am able to anticipate last-minute changes to my original schedule which has helped me to be versatile in how I approach school life beyond academics (Adaptability). When tasked with leading group projects, I am impartial in my treatment of others by giving everyone the same deadlines and expectations (Consistency), in so doing I can avoid conflict surrounding unfairness as well.

Conclusion: How do your Top 5 talent themes empower you to perform or excel in school, family, hobby, relationship or career settings?

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